
Local Resources
Financial Assistance
If you are financially impacted by COVID-19, please visit www.KeysHelp.org to apply for limited emergency financial assistance, based on availability.
Financial assistance including with rent and utilities is subject to change, with availability increasing or decreasing due to funding. Below are organizations who may be able to assist.
Catholic Charities of Monroe County: Rental, utilities, and mortgage assistance. ccadm.org – Countywide 305-292-9790
Centro Campesino: centrocampesino.org – County-wide (305) 245-7738, emergencyassistance@ccfcfl.org.
Cornerstone Resource Alliance: keyscra@keyscra.org – Key West, 305-240-1191 or 305-240-4226
Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF): Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). tanfprogram.com – Statewide 866-762-2237
Florida Keys Outreach Coalition: Financial crisis support and referral. fkoc.org – Lower Keys 305-295-7741, Upper Keys 305-916-5454
Keys Area Interdenominational Resources (KAIR): On-going emergency food assistance, brown bag lunches, volunteer opportunities. kaironline.org – Marathon 305-743-4582
Monroe County Social Services: Limited rent & utility assistance, prescription drug assistance, burial/cremation assistance. monroecounty-fl.gov/280/Weatherization-Assistance-Program-WAP – Countywide 305-292-4408
Red Cross: Provides crisis response services, including emergency needs. redcross.org/local/florida/south-florida – 305-644-1200
Salvation Army of Monroe County: Holiday assistance, emergency financial assistance, food assistance program. salvationarmyflorida.org/florida-keys – Countywide 305-294-6505
Sister Season Fund: Limited emergency rental and utility assistance for tourism industry workers in Key West. sisterseason.com – Key West 305-849-0991 or 305-304-9828
Social Security: Medicare, SSDI, SSI, RSDI, Medicare Part B, Social Security. ssa.gov – Nationwide 800-772-1213
Mental Health & Addiction Resources
Advocate Program (Monroe County Unit): DUI classes, Case management, counseling, substance abuse assessment, outpatient treatment. advocateprogram.com – Marathon 305-289-5605
Alcoholics Anonymous: Alcohol dependency support groups in all of the Florida Keys, meetings listed online. aafloridakeys.org – Countywide 305-296- 8654
Catholic Charities: Counseling services available free of charge via tele-health or telephone for individuals over the age of 60 who need counseling as a result of the stressors and effects of COVID 19. ccadm.org – County-wide 954-332-7070
Community Health of South Florida (CHI): Behavioral Health Telehealth - CHI Tavernier Health Center 305-743-0383 Wednesdays and Thursdays - Evaluations and Medical Management 8:30am-4:00pm. CHI
Conch Republic Area Narcotics Anonymous: 12 step meetings. floridakeysna.org – Upper Keys & Key West 866-584-2411
Florida Department of Children & Families (DCF): Child abuse investigation, court intake & visitations services, counseling, resources & referrals. myflfamilies.com – Key West 305-292-6745
Florida Keys Children’s Shelter: Family & youth education and counseling, case management, supportive services, referrals. fkcs.org – Key West 305-292-0999, Tavernier 305-852-4246
Florida Keys Outreach Coalition- Peacock Supportive Living: Supportive living facility for adults with chronic mental illness, case management support. fkoc.org – Key West 305-295-8693
Guidance/Care Center: mental and substance use disorder treatment, crisis counseling and other supportive care to those in the Keys impacted by COVID-19. Walk in crisis: 8-5 pm Monday thru Friday in Key Largo & Key West, or 24 hours at the Marathon site. The crisis number for all Monroe County Residents is 305-434-7660 #8 guidancecarecenter.org – Countywide 305-434-7660
Key Bridge: Mental health and substance abuse agency with licensed counselors, doctors & psychiatrist on staff. Outpatient care for all ages; Vivitrol provider. Individual, group, and family therapy. keybridgetreatment.com – Key West 305-783-3677
Living Springs Counseling: Low cost pastoral counseling, workshops, basic case management. dolphinslivingsprings.com – Countywide 305-432-9554
Lower Keys Medical Center: Inpatient & outpatient mental and chemical dependency services. lkmc.com – Key West 305-294-5531 SENIOR SERVICES
Marathon Health Center 305-743-4000. Fridays - Evaluations 8:30am-10:30am, Therapy 1:30-4:00pm
Meal Resources:
Lower Keys:
SOS Foundation – Mondays/Thursdays 9:30am-6pm, Tuesday/Wednesday 9:30am-3:30pm, 5640 Maloney Ave, Stock Island
St. Peter Catholic Church – Wednesdays 9:30am-12pm, 31300 Overseas Hwy, Big Pine Key
Big Coppitt First Baptist Church – Thursdays 2pm-6pm, 200 Avenue F, Big Coppitt Key
FKOC Loaves and Fishes – Mondays/Fridays 9am-4pm, 2221 Patterson Ave, Key West
MCC Cooking with Love – Saturdays 10am-1pm, grocery delivery for the homebound, Key West
Bahama Village Food Pantry, Frederick Douglass Gym – Monday - Friday 1:30 - 7:30pm and Saturday 11:30am -4:30pm, 111 Olivia St, Key West
Middle Keys:
KAIR – Mondays/Thursdays/Fridays 9am-12pm, Tuesdays 12pm-3pm, 3010 Overseas Hwy, Marathon
Upper Keys:
St Justin’s Martyr Catholic Church – Mondays 3-5:30pm, 105500 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo
Church of the Nazarene – Mondays 3:30-5:30pm, 100390 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo
First Baptist Church of Key Largo – Wednesdays 5-7pm, 99001 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo
Burton Memorial United Methodist Church – Mondays/Wednesdays 9am-12pm, Tuesdays/Thursdays 5pm-7pm, 93001 Overseas Hwy, Tavernier
First Baptist Church of Islamorada – Tuesdays 10-11am, 4:30-6pm, 81201 Overseas Hwy, Islamorada
Monroe County School District:
Meals are available to all children ages 1-18
Students attending in person will be offered a meal at breakfast and lunchtime
Meals will be given on the A/B schedule. When students leave for the day, they will be offered meals for their off day (to include the weekends)
Parents of students attending virtually will be welcome to stop by to pick up meals at any school
Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition:
Healthy Start is currently able to help with formula, breastfeeding support and emergency toddler nutrition. They are also offering breastfeeding support and nutrition support through secure, private virtual meetings.
Please call 305-293-8424, reach out through social media, or chat on their website to reach any Coalition representative or to request assistance. See KeysHealthyStart.org for updates and a complete listing of their programs and services.
Monroe Women, Infants, and Children:
The Florida Department of Health in Monroe County’s WIC (Special Supplemental Food Program for Women Infants and Children) offers food/nutrition/breastfeeding assistance to low income pregnant women or families with infants or children under the age of 5 years who reside in Monroe County. Those individuals/families who meet these criteria and are experiencing a loss of income due to the COVID-19 crisis are encouraged to sign up for WIC to help with food costs. Families that meet these criteria and are currently receiving unemployment or Medicaid benefits automatically qualify financially for WIC benefits. Others will need to provide proof of income and/or explain income loss to qualify.
For more information or to apply: Key West area – call 305-676-3852 and Upper Keys call 305-676-3933. (During the COVID-19 Pandemic, all applications will be done by phone and necessary documents can be faxed or emailed; please do not come to the WIC office).
Domestic Violence & Abuse Services:
Christina's Courage: Services for survivors of sexual assault regardless of reporting intention, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) exams, advocacy services, and therapy. Key West 305-916-0673, Therapy Services 305-295-8839 christinascourage.org
Coordinated Victim’s Assistance Center (CVAC): Provides crisis intervention, education, case management, and supportive services. casa-us.org/cvac-office – Statewide 305-285-5900
Domestic Abuse Shelter of the Florida Keys, Inc: Emergency housing, crisis intervention, and case management. domesticabuseshelter.org – Countywide 24-hour hotline 305-743-4440, Office 305-743-5452, text message 24-hour hotline 305-240-0105
Florida Council Against Sexual Violence: Emergency shelter sites, support services, education, resource & referral, counseling services, case management. fcasv.org – Statewide 888-956-7273
Florida Dept of Children and Families - Domestic Violence: 24/7 emergency shelter, counseling, supportive services, legal services, resource and referral. myflfamilies.com – Statewide 800-500-1119, Southern region 786-257-5148
Living Springs Counseling: Workshops for community leaders, churches and parents on reducing domestic violence in our families. Parenting workshops approved by Upper Keys Family Court for mandated parenting classes. dolphinslivingsprings.com – Countywide 305-432-9554
Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Victim Advocate Program: Emergency response and support services. keysso.net – Lower Keys 305-745-3184, Middle Keys 305-289-2430, Upper Keys 305-853-3211
Samuel’s House: samuelshouse.org – Key West 305-296-0240
Health Services:
A.H. of Monroe County, Inc: Housing assistance, HIV testing & support, health clinics, medical supplies, case/ care management, support groups, follow-up care. ahmonroe.org – Countywide 305-296-6196
American Cancer Society: Education, research, advocacy services, supportive groups, resource and referral, follow-up care, transportation to appointments. cancer.org – Countywide 305-594-4363, Nationwide 800-227-2345
Cancer Foundation of the Florida Keys: Assistance with rent, food, transportation, utilities, cancer education, and supportive services. cancerffk.org – Countywide 305-294-7300
Community Health of South Florida (CHI): Primary Care, pediatrics, OB/GYN, dental and pharmacy. chisouthfl.org – Marathon 305-743-4000, Tavernier 305-743-0383
Compassionate Care Hospice: Providing hospice and palliative care services. amedisys.com – Countywide 786-329-4035
Fishermen’s Community Hospital: Diagnostic imaging, emergency services, outpatient rehab, cardiovascular services, urgent care & walk-in clinic. fishermenshospital.org – Marathon 305-743-5533, Walk-in Clinic 305-743-2253
Florida Department of Health (DOH) in Monroe County: HIV, TB, hepatitis, and STD clinics; child and adult immunizations; family planning; Healthy Start; refugee health; tobacco prevention; school health; environmental health. monroe.floridahealth.gov – Countywide 305-293-7500
Florida Keys Area Health Education Center (FKAHEC): Smoking cessation, health care screening, school health clinics, referral services. keysahec.org – Countywide 305-743-7111
Good Health Clinic, Inc: Community clinic, health screening and testing, primary care, referrals & follow-up care. thegoodhealthclinic.org – Tavernier 305-853-1788, Marathon 305-946-1314
Guidance/Care Center: Center for Wellness provides integrated health care for those 18+ with a mental health diagnosis. Includes screenings, physicals, preventative care, referrals and treatment of chronic conditions. gcmk.org – Marathon 305-434-7660
Island Home Care Agency, Inc: Disability & rehabilitation-related occupational/ physical therapy, home health care nursing services. ihcgroup.com – Key West 305-735-4460
Keys Medical Group: Family practice, orthopedics/sports medicine, gastroenterology, pulmonology, obstetrics & gynecology, behavioral health, in multiple locations. Make appointments online at KeysMedicalGroup.com.
Kindred Hospice: Hospice care and Memory Care Program for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. kindredhealthcare.com – Upper Keys 305-451-7005, 866-546-3733
Living Waters Rx Project: Provides funding for qualifying low-income participants to fill prescriptions, including case management. dolphinslivingsprings.com – Countywide 305-432-9554
Lower Keys Medical Center: 24-hour emergency department, radiology and laboratory, urgent care, intensive care, maternity, labor and delivery, surgical services, pharmacy, women’s imaging center, behavioral health/psychiatric services, rehabilitation services, nutrition, free classes. LKMC.com – Key West 305-294-5531
Mariners Hospital: Emergency care, critical care hospital, intensive care, lab testing, diagnostic imaging/radiology, health screening & referrals. baptisthealth.net – Tavernier 305-434-3000
Rural Health Network of Monroe County: HIV Testing, STD screening, pregnancy testing, dental clinic, community clinic, mental health & substance abuse services, referrals. rhnmc.org – Key West 305-517-6613
US Department of Veteran's Affairs: Medical health clinics. va.gov – Key West 305-293-4863, Key Largo 305-451-0164
VITAS Healthcare: Hospice care and related services. vitas.com – Upper Keys 305-420-2800
Womankind, Inc: Health clinic for women, men, teens; family planning; gynecology services; STD screening & education; primary care. womankindkeywest.com – Key West 305-294-4004
Additional Housing Resources:
A.H. of Monroe County: Housing assistance, HIV testing & support, health clinics, medical supplies, case/care management, support groups, follow-up care. ahmonroe.org – Countywide 305-296-6196
Advocate Program: Veteran support services to transition out of homelessness. advocateprogram.com – Miami 786-227-5842
Catholic Charities: Permanent, supported housing programs for disabled individuals & families, rental/utilities/mortgage assistance. ccadm.org – Key West 305-292-9790
FKOC Peacock Supportive Living: Supportive living for adults with chronic mental illness, supportive services, permanent housing. fkoc.org – Key West 305-295-8693
Florida Keys Children's Shelter: Runaway youth shelter, case management, food, clothing, alternative education, transportation & supportive services to youth. fkcs.org – Key West & Tavernier 305-852-4246
Florida Keys Outreach Coalition: Emergency shelter, transitional & permanent supportive housing programs. fkoc.org – Key West Men’s Program 305-294-0304, Women’s Program 305-296-8937
Guidance/Care Center: The Heron Assisted Living Facility, a congregate, state-licensed facility in Marathon, provides supportive living services for 16 adults who have a history of serious, long-term behavioral health needs. gcmk.org – Marathon 305-743-4129
Habitat for Humanity Middle Keys: habitatmiddlekeys.org – Middle Keys 305-743-9828
Habitat for Humanity Upper Keys: habitatupperkeys.org – Upper Keys 305-453-0050
Independence Cay: Emergency shelter for men, shower & laundry facilities, transitional housing, meals, supportive services & referrals. kaironline.org – Marathon 305-743-4582
Key West Housing Authority: Low-income, subsidized rental housing under HUD Section 8 & Section 42. kwha.org – Key West 305-296-5621
Keys Overnight Temporary Shelter (KOTS): 24-hour homeless shelter, shower facilities, meals and supportive services. keyscra.org – Key West Shelter, 305-292-2744, Supportive Services, 305-240-1191 or 305-240-4226
MARC Housing program: Housing, supportive living services & case management for developmentally disabled adults. marchouse.org – Key West 305-294-9526
Samuel's House: Emergency shelter, transitional & permanent housing, resource & referral, case management, support services. samuelshouse.org – Key West 305-296-0240
Volunteers of America: Provides housing services to homeless veterans, case management, education/financial opportunities. voaflorida.org – Key West 786-369-1796
Senior Services:
AARP: Nonprofit, nonpartisan, social welfare organization to address aging, retirement, positive morale, geriatrics, discounts & networking aarp.org – Statewide 888-687-2277
Alliance for Aging: The Area Agency on Aging has information about resources for seniors and under 65 disabled. allianceforaging.org – Countywide 786-862-6078; Aging & Disability Resource Center 305-670-4357
Emergency Home Energy Assistance for the Elderly Program (EHEAP): Assistance for home energy emergencies to qualified, low income households with at least one person age 60 or older. allianceforaging.org – Countywide 305-670-4357 or 800-963-5337
Florida DCF-Adult Protective Services: Protective services for elderly & disabled adults, protective payee accounts, supportive services. myflfamilies.com – Statewide: 800-962-2873
JOY Center (Just Older Youth, Inc.): The teen center for people over 50. Programs and services meet social and emotional needs, promote mental and physical wellness and stimulate creative and intellectual interests. justolderyouthinc.org – Upper Keys
Kindred Hospice: Hospice care and Memory Care Program for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. kindredhealthcare.com – Upper Keys 305-451-7005, 866-546-3733
Monroe County Nutrition Program: Congregate meals/ nutrition sites, home delivered meals, Senior Centers, community volunteer opportunities. monroecounty-fl.gov Key West 305-292-4522
Monroe County Social Services: On-going emergency food assistance, home delivered meals, homemaking, respite, personal care, chores, computers and wi-fi. monroecounty-fl.gov – Countywide 305-292-4408
Monroe County Transit: Senior and disability-related transportation program, no fee for citizens 60 and older, door-to-door services, do not provide transport from Key-to-Key except in the Middle Keys. monroecounty-fl.gov/142/Transportation – Key West 305-292-4424
National Council on Aging’s Benefits Enrollment Center: Assistance applying for SNAP food assistance, Medicaid, and Medicare Savings Program. becs.benefitscheckup.org/welcome – Countywide 305-671-6356, Spanish: 305-671-6376
Older Americans Advisory Board: Provides input on local issues affecting older residents to the Monroe County Board of Commissioners. monroecounty-fl.gov – Islamorada 305-853-0907
Parkinson's Support Group: Monthly Key West Support Group meetings, call for information. facebook.com/parkinsonskeywest/ – Key West 305-395-2897
Poinciana Gardens Senior Community: Independent and assisted living studio, 1- or 2-bedroom units for seniors over 50. KeyWestSeniorLiving.com – Key West 305-440-3191
Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP): Volunteer matched with an agency of their choice to use their talents and build social network. nationalservice.gov/programs/senior-corps – 800-942-2677
Senior Companions Program: Senior companions 55 and older help adults who have difficulty with tasks such as shopping and paying bills. nationalservice.gov/programs/senior-corps – 800-942-2677
SHINE-Florida SHIP/SMP: Free and unbiased info about Medicare and related plans, plan comparison, appeals and more. floridashine.org – Countywide 305-671-6356; Spanish 305-671-6376
VITAS Healthcare: Hospice care and related services. vitas.com – Upper Keys 305-853-0367
Special Needs Services:
Center for Independent Living of the Keys (CILK): Supportive services to disabled individuals, recreational activities, counseling, finance support, case management, education & advocacy, information and referrals. floridacils.org – Key Largo 305-453-3491
Early Steps Southernmost Coast, Benchmark Human Services: Early intervention services to eligible infants and toddlers with significant delays or a condition likely to result in a developmental delay. Key West 305-929-8705
FK Council for People with Disabilities: Provides ADA assistance, advocacy and services for people and families in Monroe County with disabilities. monroecounty-fl.gov – Countywide 305-292-4590
Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation: Employment services for people with mental or physical disabilities. rehabworks.org – Upper Keys 305-453-1271, Middle & Lower Keys 305-293-7586
Monroe Association for ReMARCable Citizens: Supported living & employment services for adults and families with disabilities. marchouse.org – Key West 305-294-9526, Tavernier 305-852-3282
Monroe County Emergency Management Special Needs Registry: Transportation and sheltering assistance to persons with special needs during evacuations, as a last resort. To be a part of the program and screened for eligibility, you must preregister. monroecountyem.com/148/Special_Needs_Registry – Countywide 305-292-4591
Parkinson's Support Group: Monthly meetings, call for information. facebook.com/parkinsonskeywest/ – Key West 305-395-2897
The Pinnacle Group: Providing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services to individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. the-pinnacle-group.com – Countywide 772-633-3205
Children’s Services:
A Positive Step of Monroe County: Idle Hands summer youth program, fatherhood initiative, case management, counseling, supportive services. apsmc.org – Key West 305-304-1969
Bahama Village Music Program: Musical education for children ages 6 to 16, instrument and lessons at no charge. bvmpkw.org – Key West 305-504-7664
Boys and Girls Clubs of the Keys: Affordable, out-of-school club for children ages 5 to 18. bgckeys.org – Key West 305-296-2258, Big Pine Key 305-872-2400
Early Learning Coalition: Subsidized childcare, pre-school & school readiness programs, developmental screening, training. elcmdm.org – Countywide 305-296-5557 ext 2298
Early Steps Southernmost Coast, Benchmark Human Services: Early intervention services to eligible infants and toddlers (0 to 36 months) with significant delays or a condition likely to result in a developmental delay. Countywide 305-929-8705
Florida Department of Children & Families (DCF): Child abuse investigation, intake & visitations services, counseling, resource & referral. myflfamilies.com – Countywide 305-292-6745
Florida Department of Health (DOH) in Monroe County: HIV, TB, hepatitis, and STD clinics; child and adult immunizations; family planning; Healthy Start; refugee health; tobacco prevention; school health; environmental health. monroe.floridahealth.gov – Countywide 305-293-7500
Florida Keys Children's Shelter: Runaway youth shelter, case management, food, clothing, alternative education, transportation & supportive services to youth. fkcs.org – Countywide 305-852-4246
Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition: Nutrition education, breastfeeding support, car seat assistance, childbirth education, case management. keyshealthystart.org – Countywide 305-293-8424
Florida KidCare: High-quality, low-cost health insurance for children from birth through age 18, medical provider network for referrals. healthykids.org – Statewide 888-540-5437
Frederick Douglass Gym: Free after school tutoring, boys and girls youth basketball leagues organized by the Police Athletic League (PAL) of Key West. cityofkeywest-fl.gov – 305-293-8305
Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida: Organization of girls that promote character, outdoor activities, good citizenship, and selfless service to others, troops countywide. girlscoutsfl.org – Countywide 305-253-4841
Guardian Ad Litem: Special court-appointed advocacy program for all children at-risk of or currently in foster care placement. guardianadlitem.org – Key West 305-292-3485
Guidance/Care-Center: Comprehensive behavioral health care including crisis support, prevention, treatment psychiatric services, psychotherapy, for mental health and substance abuse issues. Specialty programs for youth 11-21 and services in all county schools. gcmk.org – Countywide 305-434-7660
Keys to Be the Change: Youth programs including at-risk youth mentoring & leadership, literacy volunteers, drug, alcohol & violence prevention, Farm to School initiatives. keystobethechange.com – County Wide 541-974-4398
Kids Come First in the Florida Keys: Provides children’s clothing & school supplies year-round and accepts donations. facebook.com/kidscomefirstmonroecounty – Countywide 305-360-1689
Living Springs Counseling: ACT Parenting Safe Kids Workshops, approved by Upper Keys Family Court for mandated parenting classes. dolphinslivingsprings.com – Upper Keys 305-432-9554
Marathon Rec Center (Heart of the Keys Recreation Association): Afterschool and summer programs providing recreational and educational activities for ages 8-18 years old. Marathon 305-743-4164
Monroe County Child Find: Free developmental screenings for children 3 and older who are not enrolled in a public school. fdlrssouth.org – Monroe County 305-340-7634
Monroe County School District: Head Start, developmental screenings, special education, free and reduced meal applications, parental support services. keysschools.com – Countywide 305-293-1400
St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church: Subsidized, licensed day care. st-justinthemartyr.org – Key Largo 305-451-1316
Wesley House Family Services: Foster & adoption programs, case management, pre and post-natal home visit support, childcare center, supportive services. wesleyhouse.org – Countywide 305-809-5000
Transportation Services:
Greyhound Lines USA: Arranged pick-ups and drop-offs from Miami to Key West. greyhound.com – 305-296-9072, 800-231-2222
Guidance/Care Center-Middle Keys Transportation: GCC provides transportation services as the designated Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) for Monroe County, responsible for administering a countywide system of transportation for all Monroe citizens who are transportation disadvantaged. For transportation information or to schedule a ride, call: 305-434-7660, Option #2 – gcmk.org
Key West Transit: Provides city bus routes in Key West, the Duval Loop, the Lower Keys Shuttle and Park n Ride (Old Town Garage). kwtransit.com – Key West to Marathon 305-600-1455 for arrival information, or text "kwest <stop#>" to 41411
Keys Shuttle: From Miami and Ft Lauderdale airports servicing the Florida Keys every day. keysshuttle.com – 305-289-9997
Medicaid Transportation: Medicaid covers non-emergency transportation services for Medicaid eligible recipients to Medicaid covered services. Medicaid also covers medically necessary emergency ground or air ambulance transportation. Some limits apply. Call your health plan or the Medicaid Helpline at 877-254-1055.
Miami-Dade Transit, Dade-Monroe Express (Florida City to Marathon): miamidade.gov/transit – 305-468-5900
Monroe County Transit: Senior and disability-related transportation program, no fee for citizens 60 and older and nominal fee for others, door-to-door services within one of four 'zones' in the Keys.monroecounty-fl.gov/142/Transportation – Countywide 305-292-4424
Monroe County Veteran's Affairs: Transportation to the Miami VA for a veteran with an appointment, 305-295-5159. benefits.va.gov/benefits – Veteran's Benefit Office: Key West 305-295-5150, Key Largo 305-453-8777
Community Services
211 of Miami-Dade and Monroe: Provides information & referral to statewide resources such as suicide prevention, food banks, shelters, legal assistance & more. Statewide, dial 2-1-1.
CareerSource- South Florida: Assistance writing resumes, job seeking, networking and job readiness skills. careersourcesfl.com – Key Largo 305-853-3540, Key West 305-292-6762
City of Key West, Major Parks and Facilities: Maintains public parks, trails and beaches, free parking locations, gyms & pool schedules. cityofkeywest-fl.gov – Key West 305-809-3769
The College of the Florida Keys (formerly FKCC): Classes, workshops, degree & certification programs, library, computer access, student clubs and organizations. cfk.edu – Key West 305-296-9081
Community Foundation of the Florida Keys: Making Key West and the Florida Keys a better place to live now and in the future by encouraging philanthropy and matching these acts of caring to the community needs. cffk.org – Countywide 305-292-1502
Conch Republic App: Essential information from DOH-Monroe regarding COVID-19, testing, and phased re-opening. A searchable guide to health providers and the insurances they accept. Listings and information regarding businesses, community organizations and events in the Keys. To get the app text "Conch" to 305-422-1212.
Cornerstone Resource Alliance: Supportive services such as case management, ID assistance, bus tickets, medical and mental health referrals, mail, and connection to services such as food stamps etc. keyscra.org – Key West, 305-240-1191 or 305-240-4226
Key West Business Guild: LGBTQIA-supported network that encourages commerce and events with local LGBTQIA-friendly businesses. gaykeywestfl.com – Key West 305-294-4603, 800-535-7797
League of Women Voters of the Lower Keys: Dedicated to fostering an informed, engaged electorate and to defending voters’ rights. 305-509-7348 lowerkeyslwv.org/
Monroe County Homeless Services Continuum-of-Care: Promotes community-wide goal of ending homelessness by facilitating the Continuum-of-Care process. monroehomelesscoc.org – Countywide 305-440-2315
Monroe County Public Library: Free internet, physical and digital books & movies to lend, children’s program, community events. keyslibraries.org – Key West 305-292-3595, Big Pine 305-872-0992, Marathon 305-743-5156, Islamorada 305-664-4645, Key Largo 305-451-2396
Monroe County Stars of Hope: Provides financial support to first responders and their families working in Public Safety. Key West 305-293-7325
Monroe County Veteran's Affairs: Transportation to the Miami VA for a veteran with an appointment, 305-295-5159. benefits.va.gov/benefits – Veteran's Benefit Office: Key West 305-295-5150, Key Largo 305-453-8777
United Way of Collier and the Keys: Enhances the overall quality of life in Monroe County and helps residents to succeed by improving financial stability, providing resources and referrals, and strengthening health and education. keysunitedway.org/ – Countywide 305-735-1929
Weatherization Assistance Program - DEO/WAP: A federally funded program designed to lower the energy bills for homes that fall within income guidelines. monroecounty-fl.gov/280/Weatherization-Assistance-Program-WAP – Countywide 305-292-4405
State and Federal Resources
Reemployment (aka Unemployment)
Visit www.FloridaResources.org for more information and their FAQ’s regarding COVID-19 and reemployment. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Reemployment Assistance Program, please call (800) 204-2418.
The Reemployment benefits application is available in multiple languages including English, Spanish, Creole.
US Small Business Administration
Disaster assistance in response to the coronavirus. See sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance for more information
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Relief options and Additional Resources. See https://www.sba.gov/page/coronavirus-covid-19-small-business-guidance-loan-resources
Small Business Owner's Guide to the CARES Act. See https://www.keysunitedway.org/sites/keysunitedway.org/files/F2CF1DD78E6D6C8C8C3BF58C6D1DDB2B.small-business-owner-s-guide-to-the-cares-act-final-.pdf.
Food Benefits
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides food benefits and education on food preparation to low-income households. Recipients spend their benefits, provided on an electronic card, to buy eligible food in authorized retail food stores. If you are experiencing a loss of income due to COVID-19, you may be eligible for these benefits.
Florida Food Assistance Program (SNAP): https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/1244 for general information or apply online at http://www.myflorida.com/accessflorida/.
211 of Miami-Dade and Monroe: 855-883-4429 or 211 or text your ZIP code to 898211
AARP: 888-687-2277
Abuse Hotline: 800-96-ABUSE (962-2873)
Alcoholics Anonymous: 800-662-4357
Alliance for Aging: 305-670-6500
Alzheimer’s Association of South FL: 800-272-3900
American Cancer Society: 800-227-2345
American Pregnancy Hotline: 800-672-2296
American Red Cross: 800-RED-CROS (2767)
Cancer Information Service: 800-4CANCER (422-6237)
Child Support Enforcement: 888-369-0323
DCF Abuse Hotline: 800-962-2873
Disaster Hotline (Monroe): 800-955-5504
Early Steps Southernmost Coast: 888-624-7837
Elder Abuse Hotline: 800-962-2873
Family Health Line of FL: 800-451-2229
FEMA: 800-621-FEMA (3362)
FL Bar Referral Service: 800-342-8011
FL Department of Elder Affairs: 850-414-2000
FL Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-500-1119
FL Kid Care: 888-540-KIDS (5437) or TTY 800-955-8771
Gamblers Anonymous: 888-ADMITIT (236-4848)
Guidance Care Center / MH Crisis: 305-434-7660
Healthcare.gov (ACA Insurance): 800-318-2596
Immigration (USCIS): 800-375-5283
LGBTQ Helpline: 305-646-3600
Medicare: 800-633-4227
Nat’l Child Sex Abuse Line: 800-4ACHILD (422-4453)
Nat’l Suicide Prevention Line: 800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
Poison Control: 800-222-1222
Postpartum Support International: 800-944-4773 or text 503-894-9453
Runaway Helpline: 800-RUNAWAY (786-2929)
Seniors Helpline: 305-646-3606
Smoking Quit Lin: 800-QUITNOW (784-8669)
Social Security Administration: 800-772-1213
Veteran’s Assistance: 800-827-1000
Veteran’s Crisis Line: 800-273-8255 Ext 1 or text message to 838255