Annual Report: FY 2023
Working together to build more
Dear Habitat Friends,
I am coming to the finish line of my eight years on the Habitat Board. I believe strongly in the concept of term limits on a Board to continually bring in fresh ideas and allow for different leadership styles over time for the healthiest possible organization.
It has been a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. The Covid pandemic hit just as we were embarked on the Moss Landing homeowner project and tremendously effected the way we could use volunteers. Some of the personnel issues and the tenant issues in our rentals have caused a few sleepless nights.
There were also some nail biting moments waiting to hear about grants, donations, and funding resources. When we lost the Restore in Big Pine because of the building repairs required, we wondered how we would make up all those dollars, and we mourned the quality items that would go into the landfill, and the people who would lose out on good merchandise at low prices.
Then there were the really high moments. Homeowners crying happy tears at the closing table and getting the keys to their very own house. Trust me, that never gets old! Volunteers working side by side. I remember a special day when a new homeowner’s teenage daughter told me she felt like she had a second family now in the Habitat family. We were painting together and it wasn’t the paint that got in my eyes that I had to wipe away.
One of the best moments happened over and over again as I watched incredibly talented people work together to design a new project, plan a stellar event, visit applicants to discern who would make the best new homeowners, and manage millions of dollars with integrity and care. I cannot say enough about the fabulous Board members and staff that we are fortunate to have at Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys.
In this report you will read about one year of that story. I hope you will pause over pictures and graphs and take it all in. I cannot help but see this past year in the context of the eight years I have had the privilege to play a part in making homeownership a reality for our neighbors.
Thank you for the part you play in accomplishing this vital mission of affordable homeownership in the Lower Keys!
Terri Hill
Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys believes that everyone should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live. Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.

Where we are and
where we’re headed.
Monroe County is now the most expensive county in Florida
The current historically low inventory in Monroe County has led to the highest median sale prices ever recorded. The median sales price of a Single Family Home home in January, 2023 was $1,080,000 in Monroe County (+66.7% higher than US average) and $1,336,785 in the Key West area (Key West Association of Realtors FlexMLS).
Median home prices have risen nearly 300% in the last 10 years — from $380,000 in 2013 to $1,080,000 in 2023 — contributing to Monroe County’s cost of living score of 148.2%. This means the total cost of housing, food, childcare, transportation, healthcare, taxes, and other necessities is 48.2% higher than the U.S. average and 43.7% higher than the average for Florida, according to Sperling’s BestPlaces.
To live comfortably in Key West, a minimum annual income of $194,400 is now needed for a family, and $122,000 for a single person is recommended — yet the area median income for a 4-person household in Monroe County is $108,500. In 2023, 47% of Lower Keys households were “housing cost burdened,” spending more than 30% of their income on housing, according to the Shimberg Center for Housing Studies.
The proportion of Lower Keys’ residents struggling to secure affordable housing is undermining workforce supply and eroding regional quality of life. Inadequate housing supply and escalating prices at all levels threaten the American Dream and with it the long-standing means of wealth creation and key drivers of quality of life.
Source: Florida Realtors MLS Single Family Median Home Sales for Monroe County, Florida in January of each year
How can we solve this crisis?
The current state of housing is a complex crisis, with no one simple solution, no one action that can solve it.
Addressing this problem requires commitment, dedication and deep understanding of the complexities of our housing ecosystem. Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys has spent three decades building and repairing homes, and partnering with families to create housing that has changed lives.
Building affordable homes is a vital part of addressing the housing crisis. Our work, however, extends far beyond the build site.
We bring together community members, volunteers, and partners and work in coalition to strengthen neighborhoods and communities. We actively advocate for policies and systems that improve access to affordable housing. We facilitate education classes that give residents knowledge and skills to improve their personal financial wellbeing and prepare for homeownership.
We build, we train, we innovate, we invest — all with your support.
Here in the Lower Keys, and in communities around the world, we tirelessly pursue a future where no matter who you are or where you come from, you can have a decent, affordable place to call home.
2022-2023 Fiscal Year Impact Report
The 2022-2023 fiscal year was again one of significant impact for Habitat Lower Keys.
Our small but mighty affiliate is able to accomplish a lot, thanks to the support of this amazing community. Keep reading the sections below that highlight our programs, events, and other accomplishments from the year.
New Builds: Moss Landing is Completed
Five more families purchased homes at Moss Landing, completing the 16-unit development.
The Dedication Ceremony, celebrating these families' accomplishments, was held on April 29th. Monroe County Firehouse employees generously provided snow cones and up-close personal experiences with the fire trucks for the children. After the ceremony, attendees were welcomed to tour the beautiful homes and enjoy the personal touches each family had added to make them their own.
We were honored to be joined by the family of our late Executive Director, Mark Moss, who traveled from around the country to celebrate with the new homeowners. Wendy Ney, Mark's wife, received an original painting by Habitat Homeowner Abigail White, which was the image used for the development's road sign.
In attendance were Monroe County Commissioners Michelle Lincoln and Jim Scholl, representatives from our biggest partner, the Monroe County Land Authority, and other local dignitaries. Representatives from Publix, who had generously contributed $100,000 for a home's construction, were also present.
Moss Landing Home Dedication, April 29, 2023
Thank you to our house sponsors!
Critical Home Repairs
In Partnership with the City of Key West
Habitat continued to strengthen its partnership with the City of Key West, providing six more low-income residents with critical repairs, allowing them to age in place.
The Community Foundation of the Lower Florida Keys, the Larry Dion Foundation, Wells Fargo Builds, and Publix Super Market Charities have also been part of the Critical Home Repair program, and we look forward to serving more people in need in our community.
Hurricane Repairs
Through a partnership with the United Way of Collier and Florida Keys, we were able to provide home repairs for a family that suffered major damage following Hurricane Ian.
One home repair client, Evangeline, or Vangie as she is known to her friends, is well-known in Key West as an amazing cook. Her father, Joseph Russell, also made his living as a cook for several well-known residents of Key West, including Ernest Hemingway, William Freeman and John Spottswood. Evangeline’s grandparents came to Key West from St. Lucia, Bahamas, and now she passes on family recipes to her children, 13 grandchildren, and 9 great-grands.
Unfortunately, the kitchen in the house Evangeline has inhabited for the last 74 of her 82 years gradually fell into such a state of disrepair that she was no longer able to cook for her family, or even herself. Without being able to prepare the delicious home-cooked meals that reliably brought friends and family to visit her, her mental and physical health began to suffer.
Habitat’s Critical Repair Program, in partnership with the City of Key West, recently provided new stable flooring and renovated Evangeline’s kitchen, letting her get back to cooking. The updated and functional kitchen with new flooring and cabinets, and functional appliances, has made all the difference to her. Her kitchen is also more welcoming for her guests.
“Everyone just loves the new floors and the kitchen. I just love it. You all did a wonderful job. It’s beautiful. I just thank God for Habitat fixing it and for all that I’ve been given.”
Affordable Rentals
27 families and individuals continue to pay affordable rents for our various units
During 2023, we continued to rent 27 apartments in Key West, Stock Island, and Big Coppitt to low-income workforce families. Through a partnership with the Monroe County SHIP Office, we are currently in the process of providing renovations to both the interiors and exteriors.
Community Education
Habitat’s Homebuyer Academy
2023 was the third year that Habitat Lower Keys brought educational classes to the community. These classes, previously reserved for future Habitat homeowners, are free and open to the public and focus on a wide variety of topics that are key to improving residents’ financial health. Sponsored by Manley deBoer, and taught in a small group setting, residents receive guidance and training in how a mortgage works, credit building, budgeting and various other topics.
Classes are facilitated by Habitat staff and dedicated community partners from local banks, law firms, mortgage offices, and more, who donate their time and expertise. With the aid of these dedicated volunteers, we continue to support the community with a well-rounded financial education program, helping to lead families onto a path of financial stability and responsible homeownership.

The Year’s Events
Who said fundraising had to be boring?
We love to get out there in the community and celebrate together. Raising funds for our affordable housing programs may be the end goal but we certainly can’t resist a party! Anyone who participated in the Fantasy Fest Masquerade March was sure to see happy staff and volunteers serving drinks in the “There’s No Place Like Home” booth.
In November we were honored to be the benefiting nonprofit for Girls Night Out Key West. Some of our inspiring female homeowners spoke about their journey to homeownership and a great time was had by all.
In March we held our annual gala, once again at the Truman Little White House, and it was phenomenal as usual. We dined, we danced, we toasted everyone’s success, and played some games. All for a great cause!
We also had some other amazing partners that welcomed us to fundraise during their events:
Mangoes Drag Brunch
Mary Ellen’s Vibrator Races
Green Parrot Bingo
Thank you to everyone who volunteered at these events and to all of the donors, sponsors and attendees.
Thank you to our 2023 Gala sponsors!
Statement of Financial Position, FY 2022-2023
Current Assets: $4,781,012
Long Term Assets: $5,786,313
Total Liabilities: -$4,428,533
Total Net Assets: $6,138,792
House Sales: $1,420,625
Grants: $881,559
Contributions: $1,283,591
Rental Income: $409,777
Special Events: $69,645
Mortgage: $281,143
Discount on Note Payable: $1,270,253
Warehouse: $35,710
Other: $534,167
Total Revenue, Gains, and Other Support: $6,186,470
Program Services: $3,303,909
Administration: $556,866
Fundraising: $38,709
Total Expenses: $3,899,484
Change in Net Assets: $2,286,986

What we’re working on
in FY2023-2024…
In fiscal year 2023-2024, we will be constructing a fourplex in Cudjoe Key to house four qualifying low-income families. Upon completion, we'll shift our focus to Big Pine Key, where we plan to build eight homes on scattered sites. Over the next two fiscal years, twelve more hardworking families will become homeowners, purchasing safe, affordable homes with zero-interest mortgages. This initiative will enable these families to remain in the Keys, raise their children, and continue contributing to our vibrant community.
Join us.
There are many ways to get involved and make a difference in our Lower Keys community.
Volunteer with Habitat and share your knowledge and skills, or learn new skills.
Be an Advocate. Make your friends and family aware of Habitat’s good work and ask them to support our cause. Support efforts to increase affordable homeownership options in our area.
Join the Builder’s Circle with a monthly donation of $25 or more and help provide a reliable stream of support to improve the lives of families in our community. One time donations are always welcome also!
Donate to or Shop at the Warehouse. We turn gently used furniture, decor or household items into new homes. We are looking for a location for a larger Habitat ReStore—help us find a good spot!